TAM FEATURE: HORACE GUYTON, III Horace Guyton, III, Human Resource Manager, manages both people and processes in high volume specialty retail environments. Professionally, Horace identifies as the middle man between employee and employer, creating organizational guidelines for both to co-exist in an ethical, legal, and transparent space. Who I Am Vs. What I Am I don’t think that I ...
Achieving the American Dream
Kwanua Robinson is an American Mom on a mission to use exercise, play, music and art to foster healthy development and bring joy to all who encounters her space. She is a Ghanaian woman who immigrated to America at 18 years old to attend college in hopes of achieving the American Dream. Twenty years later, ...
Be You
Meet Danielle Johnson owner of Be You Girls Boutique and Nail Bar. This American Mom strives to empower young girls to be themselves through creating a safe place for them to get pampered and feel special. “I have always dreamed of doing something that had a positive impact on the lives of children. After ending ...
Just The Way They Are
TAM FEATURE: KATHY PAREDES WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY I am thrilled and honored to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day this year by activating my voice with The American Mom March 21st was declared World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 2011. WDSD celebrates the extra T21 chromosome, the main biological ...
For the Long-Haul
TAM FEATURE: SARA RODRIGUEZ My name is Sara Rodriguez and I live in Queens, New York. I’ve always identified very strongly with what I do, and up until about half a year ago, I was a professional dancer working in the city. I made a career out of performing, teaching, and choreographing. As a teacher, I ...
My Colorful Jewish Family
AVIVA BROWN Hi! I'm Aviva Brown, a black, Jewish wife, and mother of four biracial kids, aged 10, 8, 5, and 3 months. I’m currently writing a children’s book about our colorful Jewish family. So many adjectives, describing my life—black, Jewish, woman, mother, convert. I’m still becoming these things, becoming fully myself. It’s challenging. Addressing Representation I began ...
The American Soldier
I was a soldier in the US Army from ’97 to ’01. Before 9-11 happened, I deployed to Kosovo and Bosnia as part of UN and NATO forces peace keeping missions. As an intelligence officer in Bosnia, I saw reports from UN investigators responsible for investigating, identifying, and charging those involved in war crimes. They ...
Mud-Bloods United
I get stares from people of all ages - I find people have a natural desire to categorize me before they speak to me, but I fuck up their ethnicity-determining algorithm somehow. Spanish speakers act surprised when I can’t answer back in Spanish. Many people will make small talk just long enough to ask which tan-skinned ...
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